We are glad if you know simple washoku recipe on this blog and you try it.」
Complicated meal in simple way!
*材料 2人分
<かぶら蒸し>蕪 中1個
しいたけ 1個
小エビ 6匹(冷凍または生)
A 卵白 1個
A 塩 少々
A 片栗粉 大さじ3分の2
めんつゆ 適宜
片栗粉 小さじ2
水 大さじ2
*ingredients (serves 2)
<Steamed turnip>1 turnip (middle size)
1 shiitake mushroom
6 shrimps
A.white of an egg
A.small quantity of salt
A.2/3 potato starch
<Thick sauce>
Seasoning soy sauce
2 Tsps potato starch
2 Tbsps water
*作り方 / directions
<かぶら蒸し Steamed turnip>1.蕪はいちょう切りにし、皮をむく。
Peel and cut turnip into wedges.
Cut siitake mushroom into 6 equal parts.
Put turnip, A(ingredients) into blender.
Whip turnip and A until soft peaks form using blender.
Wash frozen shrimps.
Put shrimps and shiitake mushrooms into cups.
Pure whipped trunip on 4.
Transfer the cups to a preheated steamer, and steam over a high heat for 8 min.
<あん / thick sauce>
Place the seasoning soy sauce in a small pot, and bring to the boil.
When it begins to boil, turn down the heat to low and add the potato starch dissolved in the water to make a thick sauce.
After adding potato starch, Do not forget stiring liquid in the pot.
Do not make air bubbles.
When the liquid in the small pot becomes glossy,pour it over the turnip in cups.
Steamed turnip with thick sauce, lightly-pickled turnip greens.