We are glad if you know simple washoku recipe on this blog and you try it.」
One of the standard of Japanese New Year's dish.

大根 150gニンジン 15g
酢 大さじ3
塩 小さじ1強(大根用)、小さじ1/2弱(ニンジン用)、ひとつまみ(調味液)
砂糖 大さじ2
薄口醤油 小さじ1
5 1/4 oz giant white radish1/2 oz carrot
1 Tsp salt for giant white radish
1/2 Tsp salt for carrot
Pinch salt for seasoning liquid
3 Tbsp vinegar
2 Tbsp sugar
1 Tsp light soy sauce

*作り方 / directions
1.大根、ニンジンは千切りにし、それぞれ塩もみしてしばらく置く。1.Peel the giant white radish and carrot, cut them into 1 1/2 inch thin juliennes.

Place the chopped giant white radish and carrot in a separete bowl, sprinkle salt and rub together.

Place the ingredients of A in a mixing bowl, and stir.
Taste it and adjust to taste.

Wash the giant white radish and carrot shortly, drain them.

Mix the vegetables with the dressing separetely.
Let rest them for a while until the vegetables absorb the seasoning sufficiently.

Drain liquid, serve them on a plate.
*You can use this liaquid as a dresing for fresh salad.