We are glad if you know simple washoku recipe on this blog and you try it.」
Spring-standard recipe in Japan.
Bamboo shoots and fresh wakame are best partners.

ゆでたけのこ 400g生わかめ 1袋程度
鰹と昆布の出汁 2カップ
酒 50ml
砂糖 小さじ1
みりん 大さじ1
醤油 大さじ1
Banboo shoots, boiled / 400gA pack of fresh wakame seeweed
Konbu Kelp and Katsuo-Bushi Dried Bonito Stock / 2 cups
Sake / 50ml
Suger / 1 table spoon
Sweet sake / 1 table spoon
Soy souce / 1 table spoon
*作り方 *Directions
1.たけのこを食べやすい大きさに切る。1.Cut bamboo shoots into proper sizes for ease of eating.
2.Plunge the wakame seeweed into hot water, and cut them into proper sizes for ease of eating.
3.Place the bamboo shoots, soup stock, sake in a pot.
Cover them with a drop-lid, bring to the boil ofer a high heat.
Add suger, sweet sake, soy souce, simmer them for about 30min.
Add wakame seeweed, simmer them for one or two minutes.
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