Tuesday, August 11, 2015

海鮮丼 / Bowl of rice topped with sashimi

具材の魚介類はまぐろ、いか、さけ、えび、ほたて、うに、いくらなどが あり色とりどりで見た目にもきれいです。

We use donburi bowls for this dish.
We often use vinegared rice for it.
Some time, we prepare sashimi with tasty sauce based on soy sauce, some time we we prepare sashimi with soy sauce.
For sashimi, tuna, squid, salmon, scallop, sea urchin, salmon roe is good amd gorgeous.
Thinly shredded nori seeweed or wasabi for yakumi or condiments.

Friday, August 7, 2015

とんかつ / tonkatsu, pork cutlet

とんかつ用にスライスされた豚肉に小麦粉、溶き卵、パン粉を順に つけて多めの油で揚げたものです。
もともとは西洋料理(cotelette)をベースにしていて日本流にアレンジされ 定番メニューとなったものです。

Enjoy it's crispy batter!
We often enjoy pork cutlet with strong fravor tonkatsu sauce, thinly shredded cabbage, mustard.
It is arranged cotelette recipe for Japanese.
Now it is one of the popular dish in Japan, we go to the restaurant specialized in tonkatsu.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

伏見とうがらしの炒め煮 / Simmered sweet peppers

とうがらしをごま油で炒めた後、醤油・砂糖・みりん・酒でじゃこと一緒に 煮たものです。
そういった各地域の伝統的な野菜で品質的・量的に優れたものをはブランド化され、 京都のものは「京野菜」と呼ばれます。
この「京野菜」の代表的なものに伏見とうがらしや万願寺とうがらしがありますが、 とうがらしという名前から想像されるような辛いものではなく、甘く肉厚もあるため 焼いても、煮てもとても美味しいです。
京野菜には他に賀茂なす、聖護院大根、聖護院かぶ、鹿ケ谷かぼちゃ、九条ねぎ、堀川ごぼう、 壬生菜、すぐき菜、みず菜、京たけのこ、京ぜり、京みょうが、えびいも、くわい、花菜などが あります。

First of all, fry sweet peppers using sesame oil, and then, simmer it with soy sauce, suger, mirin japanese sweet sake, sake.
In Japan, as a long island, there are a lot of kinds of vegetables in various regions.
Some of the traditional vegitables are known as bland vegetables.
Bland vegetables made in Kyoto are called Kyo-yasai (Kyoto-vegetables).
Fushimi-sweet peppers and Manganji-sweet peppers are one of the Kyo-yasai.
They have seet flavor, as you can imagine from their name.
They are good for fried dish ,simmered dish .
There are other vegetables in Kyo-yasai, such as Kamo-nasu(egg plant), Shogoin-takenoko(bamboo shoot), Shogoin-kabu(turnip), Shishigaya-kabocha(pumpkin), Kujo-negi(green onion), Horikawa-gobo(burdock), Mibu-na(greens), Suguki-na(greens), Kyo-takenko(bamboo shoot), Kyo-seri(Japanese parsley), Kyo-myouga(Japanese ginge), Ebiimo(shrimp-shaped taro variety), Kuwai(water chestnut), Hanana(greens).
I will introduce them some other time.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

だし巻きたまご / Rolled omelet

卵を溶いてだし汁を加え専用の卵焼き器を用いて巻きながら形を整えて 焼いたものです。

We use a special pan designed for frying omelets.
We enjoy the soft texture when it contains much Japanese soup stock.
We often enjoy rolled omelet with grated giant white raddish.
Rolled omelet is one of the most popular dish in Japan, you can see a set menu which has rolled omelet for main at restaurant in Japan.

Monday, August 3, 2015

山芋の梅肉あえ / Yam with pickled ume dressing

「Traditional Japanese food is collectively known as washoku.
We are glad if you know simple washoku recipe on this blog and you try it.」

A refreshing flavor is good for summer!

*材料 2人分

みりん 大さじ1
かつお粉 小さじ1
山芋 150g

*ingredients (serves 2)

2 plum pickles
1 Tbsp mirin sweet cooking sake
1 tsp bonito powder
5 1/4 oz yam

*作り方 / directions

1.Remove seeds from plum pickles.

2.Transfer plum into grinding bowl, add boiled-down mirin seet cooking sake, bonito powder, grind and mix well.

3.Cut yam into cubes of about 3/8in thickness.

4.Put 3. into the gringing bowl(2), dress them well.


* direction movie