Thursday, March 31, 2016

山芋ふわふわ焼き / yam pancake

「Traditional Japanese food is collectively known as washoku.
We are glad if you know simple washoku recipe on this blog and you try it.」

●材料 / ingredients

長芋 100g
出汁 30cc
酒 大さじ1
片栗粉 大さじ1
卵 1個
100g yam
30cc Japanese soup stock
1 Tbsp potato starch
1 Tbsp sake
1 egg
soy sauce

●作り方 / directions

1.山芋を すりおろす
Grate yam.

Mix Japanese soup stock, potato starch, sake, and egg.
Pour them onto the yam in the bowl, mix all ingredients.

Heat frying pan, put some oil, fry the mixture.

Fry both sides until golden brown.

5.味が足りない時は かけ醤油で味を調整する
Put soy sauce if you like.

●direction movie

Monday, March 28, 2016

揚げ出し豆腐/Deep-Fried Tofu with Japanese soup


”Agedashi Tofu”is battered and crispy deep-fried Tofu cake in Japanese soup.
It is very delicious, goes well with sake.

Thursday, March 10, 2016



”Chirashi-Zushi" is mainly eaten by people on the Girls' Festival.
It is very gorgeous sushi garnished with various ingredients(for example,shrimp,raw fish,kinshi-tamago(omelet cut into julienne strips),seasoned rasish,
snow peas.

Monday, March 7, 2016

ブロッコリーのおかかあえ / broccoli with dried bonito

「Traditional Japanese food is collectively known as washoku.
We are glad if you know simple washoku recipe on this blog and you try it.」


●材料 / ingredients

ブロッコリー 1つ
醤油 大さじ1
はちみつ 小さじ1
かつお節 1カップ


a bunch of broccoli
1 Tbsps soy sauce
1 Tsp honey
1 U.S.cup dried bonito

●作り方 / directions

Cut the broccoli into bite size.

Place the broccoli in a pot.
Add a cup of water and boil over a high heat.
When it comes to the boil. reduce the heat to low or middle and cover.

Just before the broccoli gets soft, drain well.

Let it cool for 1 or 2 minutes, remove it to the cooking bowl, add honey, soy sauce.

After broccoli soaks honey and soy sauce, put dried bonito, mix everythin.

If you leave it for a while, the taste will soak in.
Put dried bonito just before start eating is also OK.

●direction movie

Friday, March 4, 2016

親子丼 / Bowl of rice topped with chicken and eggs

「Traditional Japanese food is collectively known as washoku.
We are glad if you know simple washoku recipe on this blog and you try it.」


●材料 / ingredients

鶏肉 80~100g *一口大
卵 M2個
ネギ 1本
三倍濃縮めんつゆ40cc 水80cc
みりん 大1
1/2 piece (100g) chicken * bite-size
2 eggs
green onion
3 Tbsps seasoning soy sauce triple strength with 6 Tbsps water
1 Tbsp sweet sake
boiled rice

●作り方 directions

Slice green onion.

Put seasoning soy sauce with water in the pan, bring it to the boil.
Add chicken, cover to simmer.

When chicken is cooked, add sweet sake, green onion, mixed egg, and cover.

Shake the pan gently.
Put everything onto the rice in the donburi bowl.

●direction movie

Thursday, March 3, 2016

ひなまつり/the Girls' Festival in Japan

ひな人形をかざり、菱餅や、ひなあられ、白酒、ちらし寿司、 はまぐりの吸い物が食卓に並びます。

People celebrate the Girls' Festival for healthy growth on March 3 in Japan.
People display dolls, and prepare "Hishimoti"(Red,white,and green lozenge-shaped rice cakes),
"Hinaarare"(Grilled bits of sweet rice cake), "Shirozake"(Sweet white sake), "Tirasizusi"(Garnished sushi), "Hamaguri no suimono"(Clam clear soup) on the dining table.