Friday, July 31, 2015

酢 / vinegar


There are several types of vinegars, such as rice vinegar, dark brown rice vinegar, grain vinegar, fruit vinegar.
We choose one of them depending on our preference or cooking.
In Japan, rice vinegar is used mostly.
Japanese basic vinegar dressings are nihaizu and sanbaizu.
Nihaizu is a dressing which is vineger, soy sauce, and Japanese soup stock mixed.
Sanbaizu is dressing which is a dressing consisting of nihaizu and mirin sweet sake to emphasize sweetness.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

きつね丼 / A bowl rice with simmered deep-fried tofu.

「Traditional Japanese food is collectively known as washoku.
We are glad if you know simple washoku recipe on this blog and you try it.」

Enjoy the good combination of deep-fried tofu which includes soup and rice!

*材料 2人分

あげ 半分
ネギ 1本
めんつゆ 150cc
みりん 大さじ3
ごはん 2杯

*ingredients (serves 2)

1/2 deep-fried tofu
1 naga-negi onion
3/5 U.S.cup mentsuyu (a Japanese soup base)
3 Tbsp mirin sweet cooking sake
2 donburi bowl portions of rice

*作り方 / directions

1.Cut deep-fried tofu into rectangler slice, and cut naga-negi onion into diagonal.

2.Add A, and mix well.

3. 浅めの鍋かフライパンに入れて火にかける。
3.Put the liquid prepared in 2. above into an oyako-nabe pan(a pan specially made for cooking donburi bowr rice dishes) or frying pan, and bring to the boil.

4.Add deep-fried tofu, and simmer. Add naga-negi onion, and simmer briefly.

5.Put the hot rice into individual donburi bowls.
Put everything onto the rice in one of the donburi bowls.
Repeat this process for the other portion.


* direction movie

Monday, July 27, 2015

茶碗蒸し / Chawan-mushi Japanese steamed egg custard

茹でたエビやしいたけ、銀杏、かまぼこなどを入れた深めの器に 卵にだし汁、調味料を加えてこした物を注ぎ蒸したもの。

This is one of the Japanese steamed egg custard which includes boiled shrimps, shiitake mushrooms, ginkgo seeds, slices of boiled fish paste.
The texture likes pudding, so it is used for baby food.
Colorful ingredients such as honewort which are put on the top of the cup makes it much gorgeous.

Friday, July 24, 2015

うな重 / Unaju,boiled eel on rice.

日本では江戸時代から「土用の丑」の日に夏バテ 対策として鰻を食べる風習が始まった。

After spinkling sauce and powder of pepper, we eat it.
We often eat it with eel liver soup.
Since Edo period, in Japan,we eat eel to regain energy and stamina and to alleviate suffering from the summer heat on the day known as the Midsummer Day of the Ox, Doyo-no-ushi-no-hi, which traditionally falls around the end of July on the ancient Japanese calendar.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

白和え / Shiraae

こんにゃくと人参、ほうれん草などの野菜に 調味料やだし汁を入れて煮たてた後 しっかり水分をきっり豆腐(しっかり水をきったもの)とすりごまを加え和えた料理。

Shiraae is one of the Japanese tofu and spinach, carrot, yam cake salad dressed with white sause (white miso).
The soft feeling on the tongue is good.
Draining tofu firmly is the way to make it delicious.

Friday, July 17, 2015

きゅうりと蛸の酢の物 / Marinated cucumber, octopas with sweet vinegar sauce

きゅうりを薄く輪切りにしたものを塩もみした物と薄切りした蛸を 砂糖と醤油を加えた酢で和えたもの。

It is one of the popular Japanese dish.
It's fresh tasts appetizing.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

まぐろの漬け煮 / Simmered tuna


Simmered diced tuna seasoned with soy sauce.
Suitable as an accompaniment to boiled rice, sake.

Monday, July 13, 2015

冷やしうどん / Chilled Udon Noodles



Noodles with cold Japnaese soup stock is souitable for a hot and sticky summer.
Arrangement the condiments as we like is a good fun !

Condiments such as grated radish, myoga, green perilla, wasabi, chopped green onions, citron, Japanese pepper, leaf bud makes dishes more beautiful and delicious!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

きりぼし大根の煮物 / Simmered kiriboshi-daikon

きりぼし大根の煮物は代表的なおそうざいである。干ししいたけの戻し汁に おだしと酒、砂糖を加えて塩、しょうゆであっさりと味付けした 料理で冷めても美味しい。
きりぼし大根とは千切りにした大根を乾燥させた物で生の大根と比べて カルシウム、鉄分、食物繊維が大量に含まれる健康的な食材である。

Simmered Kiriboshi Daikon (dried daikon strips) is a typical side dish of Japanese home cooking.
Simmer all ingredients such as kiriboshi-daikon, dried shiitake mushrooms, carrot with water used for softening shiitake mushrooms, sake, suger, salt, soy-sauce.
It taste good with its light flavor, and even if it gets cold, it is still delicious.

The taste and nutrients of daikon are condensed when it is sun-dried on cold winter days.

Monday, July 6, 2015

うのはな / Unohana (Simmerd Okara Tofu Lees)

うのはなとはおから*に人参やごぼう、干ししいたけやあぶら揚げ、小松菜などを 細かく刻んだ物を加えて軽く炒めた後に干ししいたけの戻し汁とだし汁に酒、砂糖、しょうゆ であっさり味付けをして炒めながら煮て作ったもの。


Unohana is one of the simmerd food which includes okara, carrot, burdock, deep-fried tofu,Japanese mustard spinach.
Firstly, chop ingredients, and then pan-fry them.
After that,simmer them with Japnese soup stock( water used for softening shiitake mushrooms,soy souce, sake, suger.
It taste good with its light flavor.

* Okara is soybean fiber..

Friday, July 3, 2015

いわしのつみれ汁 / minched sardine soup

いわしを細かく刻んで肉団子風にしたものとネギなどの野菜が 入った醤油ベースのだし汁のスープ。お好みにより味噌を加えても美味しい。
いわしにすりおろしたしょうがを加えることにより魚の臭みを消して しょうがは体を温める作用があるので特に冬に人気のあるスープである。

Minched sardine and vegetables are good combination for soy-souce soup.
Add miso on soup is good as well.
Grated ginger in minched sardine neutralizes the smell of fish dishes.
Also, ginger makes us warm. So this dish is especially popular in winter.