Friday, May 27, 2016

えんどうのごま味噌和え / peas with sesame dressing

「Traditional Japanese food is collectively known as washoku.
We are glad if you know simple washoku recipe on this blog and you try it.」

●材料 / ingredients

えんどう 150g
湯で塩 10g
味噌 大さじ2
味醂 大さじ3
醤油 小さじ1

150g peas
10g salt, 500cc hot water (for boiling peas)
2 Tbsps miso
3 Tbsps sweet sake
1 Tsp soy sauce
grind sesame

●作り方 / directions

String peas.
Cut off the hard parts.

2 鍋に味噌と味醂を加え強火で練りすりごまを加えさらに練りあげ火から下ろしあら冷ましする
Put miso, seet sake in a pot, cook it over a high heat.
Mix it, add soy sauce, grind sesame, mix it well.
Tale the pot off the heat to cool it.

3 500ccのお湯を沸かし塩を入れえんどう豆を2分ほど茹でる
Boil peas in hot water of 50cc with salt.

4 3茹で上げたインゲンをザルにあげすぐに冷水につけて冷まし ザルにあげる
Just after boiling peas, put it up to a colander.
And soon, refresh it in ice bath, put it up to a colander.
Dry it with paper.

5 4を2で和えて出来上り
Put 4 on 3.

●Direction movies

Thursday, May 26, 2016

えんどう豆の卵とじ / Boiled peas in egg soup

「Traditional Japanese food is collectively known as washoku.
We are glad if you know simple washoku recipe on this blog and you try it.」

●材料 / ingredients

卵 2個
お出汁 200ml
薄口醤油 小さじ2
味醂 大さじ1
塩 適量
2 eggs
200ml Japanse soup stock
2 Tsp light soy sauce
1 Tbsp sweet sake
salt, to taste

●作り方 / directions

1 卵を冷蔵庫からだして溶いでおく
Beat eggs.

2 出汁に薄口醤油、味醂を加え味をみて塩で調整する
Add light soy sauce, sweet sake, salt to taste, to Japanese soup stock.

3 えんどう豆の皮をむく
Shell peas.

4 2を温めたら3を加え一煮立ちさせ、あくを取る。
Put 2. in a pot, bring to a boil. Skim off the scum.
When boiled, add beaten eggs gently.

5 再度、一煮立ちしたら火を止め蓋をする 6 2分蒸らして出来上がり
When it comes to a quick boil, turn off the heat. Cover.
Let it continue to cook covered for about two minutes.

●direction movie

Friday, May 20, 2016

お赤飯/Red rice


Red rice is a Japanese traditional celebratory rice dish.
We boil black-eyed peas(or azuki beans) and glutinous rice in a pot.
We sprinkle on the sesame salt before serving.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

鶏の水炊き/Chicken one-pot dish

もともとは、鶏肉から出る旨みを活かすため、水から煮立たせる調理法であった ため「水炊き」と呼ばれます。

”Mizutaki" is a kind of one-pot dish.
People enjoy the light taste of chicken, vegetables and tofu with ponzu sauce*.
The soup stock is made from chicken bones or tangle seaweed without any seasoning.
It is originally cooked from water to make the most of stock from
chicken ,so it is called "Mizutaki"(stewed with water)

*citrus juice and soy sauce

Monday, May 16, 2016

七味唐辛子/Shichimi togarashi


Shichimi togarashi is a kind of Japanese seasonings which is a mixture of seven spices such as red cayenne pepper and other flavored spices.
Other spices are the following things, dried citrus peel, prickly ash,sesame, poppy seeds, hemp seeds, green perilla, ginger, green dreied seaweed, rapeseed.
The kinds of other spices vary among producers.
We sprinkle it over noodles when we eat Udon noodles or buckwheat noodles.

Friday, May 13, 2016



”Wasabi" is a kind of spice.
It is very hot and will cause a burning sensation in our mouth and nose.
It has the function of masking fish odors, so is often eaten with "Sashimi".
It is mainly cultivated using clean spring water in Sizuoka prefecture.

Monday, May 2, 2016

豆ごはん/Rice with pea


We Japanese people feel early summer when we eat Rice with pea.

A way of making Rice with pea is very simple.
Just cook shelled peas with rice.
At that time, we usually add ”sake”(Japanese Liquor)and salt a little.
We can enjoy dellicious pea in season by this dish!

We shell pea and cook with rice sprinkling on ”sake”(Japanese Liquor)and salt a little. Pea(it is vegetable in spring season)is very dericious.